Chat GPT as a Digital Iceberg – an educational approach

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Edgar Lyra


Teaching and research institutions received the popularization of LLMs (Large Language Models) at the end of 2022 with a mix of alarm and excitement. This article advances an interpretation and a possible reaction to the phenomenon. The hypothesis is that the ability of these devices to meet very diverse cognitive demands opens an unusual window of opportunity to rethink both the production of knowledge and the current teaching and learning practices. The prospect of accelerated and continued improvement of these technologies makes such reflection still more strategic and urgent.

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Author Biography

Edgar Lyra, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Edgar Lyra has a degree in Chemical Engineering from UERJ (1981), a master's degree (1999) and a doctorate (2003) in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, where he works as an associate professor and researcher. He coordinated the Philosophy undergraduate course between September 2013 and March 2020, and held the position of director of the department between 2020 and March 2024. He has experience in the area of Contemporary Philosophy, especially in ethical, political and pedagogical problems linked to the current technological hegemony. Between 2014 and 2016, he coordinated the Heidegger Working Group of ANPOF (National Association of Graduate Philosophy), to which he remains affiliated. Since 2016, he has created and led the CNPq-certified Study and Research Group on Philosophy of Technology. In June 2019, he joined the Digital Humanities Laboratory at PUC-Rio, and in September of the same year he joined EMAPS (Ethics and Algorithmic Mediation of Social Processes group). Strongly convinced of the need to train philosophy teachers to deal with the demands of the technical age, he has dedicated himself to the study of rhetoric with political-pedagogical intentions, starting from Aristotle's Rhetoric towards its contemporary digital echoes. This work has resulted in the publication of the books “The Forgetting of an Art - rhetoric, education and philosophy in the 21st century” (2021) and “For a Philosophy of Opinion” (in press). As part of his efforts to train teachers, he has been working since 2014 as a collaborator in the Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy and Teaching at CEFET-RJ, as well as being part of the ANPOF Teaching and Teaching Philosophy WG. He coordinated the Philosophy PIBID / PUC-Rio between August 2012 and February 2020, and between June 2015 and June 2016, he advised the MEC on the preparation of the first two versions of the Human Sciences document of the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC). Finally, he has been in contact with schools of Basic Education, teaching specialization and extension courses and, more recently, advising the Rectorate of PUC-Rio on strategic and integrity issues.


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