Time-image rupture: cinema and the genesis of the thought in Deleuze

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Eduardo Brandão Pinto


In the books Cinema 1 (1983) and Cinema 2 (1985), Gilles Deleuze described not one, but two disruptions of the sensorimotor system. In the chapter 7, of the second book, the author undertakes a retreta towards the genesis of thought in philosophy and cinema: what, in the images, forces cinema to think? The first rupture, concerning the movement-image, had already been conceived in Difference and Repetition (1968), as the shock that interrupts the extension of recognitions to give way to a non-representative thought. The second rupture, to which this article is primarily dedicated, concerns the breaking of the connection between man and the world, something that will force Deleuze to produce a philosophy of the unthinkable and impotence.

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Author Biography

Eduardo Brandão Pinto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Substitute professor at UFRJ's School of Communication. PhD in Communication and Culture from UFRJ (under a FAPERJ Note 10 Doctorate grant), with a sandwich period at the Université Paris VIII - Saint Denis (under a CAPES/PrInt grant). Master's degree in Performing Arts from UFRJ (CAPES grant). BA in Cinema and Audiovisual from UFF. Teacher and audiovisual director.


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