Eros’ ardil: desire in Anne Carson

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Rafael Zacca


This article aims to investigate the concept of desire in the work of the Canadian writer Anne Carson, based mainly, but not only, on an analysis of the essay Eros the bittersweet. Even though the essay is devoted to the description of how poets of the Greek melic tradition fabled love and desire, with a prominent place for Sappho in this description, the hypothesis to be tried out here is that there is, within Carson, an attempt at a metaphysical, or at least relatively ahistorical description of desire, which serves as basis for the studying the erotic emotional event in her subsequent works. Finally, the article also proposes that desire, as conceived by Carson, can substantiate and compensate for Western politics and civilization, as well as the colonial concept of barbarism.

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Author Biography

Rafael Zacca, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

He has a degree in History from UFF (2012), a Master's in Philosophy from the same institution (2014) and a PhD in Philosophy from PUC-Rio (2019), where he has been a professor in the Philosophy Department (since 2020) and in the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Philosophy (since 2019). He is carrying out post-doctoral research on Anne Carson and Walter Benjamin at UNIFESP. She defended her doctoral thesis "The flowers of poetry in the land of knowledge: a theory of the poem in Walter Benjamin", which was awarded the CTCH Thesis Prize (PUC-Rio) in the area of Philosophy in 2022. He teaches poetry workshops at the "school of the word". He is a collaborating researcher on the project "Campo aberto: atitude ensaística e sobreposição das artes, da literatura e da filosofia no século XXI" at the New University of Lisbon and on the project "O Eros da Crítica" at UFF. Member of ANPOF's Aesthetics WG. He was a substitute professor of Literary Theory at UFRJ between 2019 and 2020. He was an artist-in-residence at the Rio Art Museum in 2019, and a teacher at the Word Image workshop at the same institution in the same year. He was a guest lecturer at Coart/UERJ where he taught literary creation workshops between 2018 and 2020. He co-organized the research and practice laboratory Oficina Experimental de Poesia between 2013 and 2020. He is the author of the book of criticism "Formas nômades - arte, política e crítica hoje" (Margem da Palavra, 2021); the books of poetry "O menor amor do mundo" (7Letras, 2020) and "A estreita artéria das coisas (Garupa, 2018); and co-author of the book of poetry "O menor amor do mundo" (O menor amor do mundo) (7Letras, 2020) and "A estreita artéria das coisas" (A estreita artéria das coisas) (Garupa, 2018).


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