Galloping images: crossovers between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis in the work of Alfredo Jaar
Main Article Content
The article takes as its starting point an action performed by the Chilean artist
Alfredo Jaar in August 2019, in the city of Edinburgh. It is a work entitled “I can’t
go on, I’ll go on”. Using references from authors such as Guy Debord, Georges Didi-Huberman and Susan Buck-Morss, the text is an interrogation on the status of images in the contemporary world and their modes of insurgency in the face of mechanisms of domination and subjection. The fundamental question is: in a world saturated with images that reinforce oppression, how to conceive other visual regimes that are not captured by the triad of neoliberalism – colonialism – fascism? Proposing crossovers between philosophical perspectives and psychoanalytic references from Freud and Lacan, we seek to think, together with Alfredo Jaar’s artistic practices, how certain images constitute a direct confrontation with this problem, creating ways to make apparent portions of humanity in a visuality increasingly numbed by the total violence of the spectacle.
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